Thursday, November 10, 2016

Poise Impressa

Poise Impressa Give you the confidence to enjoy the holidays while you #LivePadFree!!
The holiday season is here and with all the happenings going on the one thing moms don't want to think about is having to stop what your'e doing and cross your legs to sneeze (come on you know what I am talking about mamas).
My daughters always want me to jump on the trampoline and I often decline because come on....Iv'e had four kids and my bladder just ins't the same as it use to be.

So many women are having to deal with this issue however, not many women/moms know that there is a product out there that works to solve this problem!
Do something for yourself this holiday season and grab a package of Poise Impressa Bladder supports so you don't have to stop and worry about something that can be prevented!
 Buy here at Walmart

You can purchase @Poise at @Walmart, just look for the Sizing kit which only costs $4.97. The starter kit comes with two of each size for you to try the sizes and pick which one fits best for you.
There is a $4 coupon inside yay!!

Poise Impressa Bladder Supports give women a convenient option when it comes to dealing with leaks. I am SO happy that I found a product that works!

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