
Tuesday, September 13, 2016


This amazing little ring has been a lifesaver, a stress-saver and a gorgeous accessory! Ringly connects to your phone via bluetooth and lets you receive customized notifications through a light vibration and subtle (freaking awesome) glowing light. Get this...the ring box is it's charger. Im pretty much beside myself because I LOVE anything gadget and this just takes the cake!

Lately I have been pretty busy with collaborations, two teens/toddlers and staying in touch with friends/family that I feel like I'm constantly on my seriously my friends and family are getting a bit tired of me constantly checking my phone (yeah you -__-). I totally understand...I get it, it is a bit rude but thanks to this ring I can now keep my phone in my purse and check it only when a certain color glows. Let's say Im out to lunch with a friend and I don't want to be rude by being on my phone checking my social media accounts. I know I need to answer any calls or texts from my husband or my kids schools so, I just set a color and vibration pattern on the app and put my phone in my purse and boom!!! Im phone free until I get a notification that someone important is trying to get in touch with me. A lifesaver right?!?! Perfect gift to a special  friend or to yourself!

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