
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Day 1

The boys first day back to public school was yesterday and my mom kept the girls so our first day back was easy. Today was a bit harder because I had to wake the girls and get them ready to go. Here is my schedule.

6:00am-7:45 I wake up and get the boys up to take a shower if they want and get the girls ready.
As soon as I get ready I make breakfast
I have to leave at exactly this time to get my oldest son to school on time. It take me around 20-25min to drive him to school each morning. My husband takes my other son (two different high schools)

8:45-10:00 I'm usually home by 8:4 if I don't need to go to the grocery store for the next day. I'm still no good at shopping ahead but hopefully I will get the there!
The girls eat breakfast if the didn't eat earlier with the boys.
I give the girls a worksheet and eat my breakfast while helping them if needed. We talk about the worksheets they did and I ask each to share with the other what they learned. I'm hoping this will help Willa learn some of the things Ever is learning.
I let the girls play in the living room with light music playing.
We practice counting to see how high we can count and go over number recognition and then we play number games.

10:00-11:00 I let the girls pick a book each for me to read to them or for E to practice reading to us.

11:00-12:00 We make lunch together on the less hectic days. I will make it alone on the more hectic days. After lunch the girls watch a learning program on the TV (Netflix or YouTube) while I work and after their program is over they have free time to play with their playdoh, building blocks etc.

12:00-3:30 snack and just after they do another fun learning worksheet and the girls share their sheets with each other. I usually include some type of learning game after then more free time while I clean. We leave to pick up the boys. The girls usually nap in the car.
We get home and I get the girls up and keep them awake so they will be tired enough for bed.

5:45-6:00  (I usually start dinner between these times) I start making dinner. The boys usually tell me how their days went and we all sit at the table and chat while I'm making dinner. The girls play with their dad in the den.

We are eating by 6-6:15 and the kids do their own thing until bed time.

All kids have to be off of electronics by 9:30 and  the boys in bed by 10:00 although they have been going to bed around 9:00 because they are so tired. My 14 year old tries to keep his eyes open until 9:30 but lately he just gives up and goes to bed. The girls are in bed by 10:00 or earlier if I can get them to but because of late nights and late sleep in mornings during the summer they aren't use to sleep time yet. Tonight I will find out how they feel after waking up so early. Hoping they will get to bed earlier so I can get some work done.

It's 10:05am as I'm typing this and I am starting to get sleepy. Wow....looks like another cup of coffee. My thoughts are that I need to add some exercise into our schedule (duh). Also there will be trips to the library or museums during the week and we meet with our local home school group for fun/learning activities on Fridays.  We are still learning and hopefully in the near future things will flow better. Can it be summer again already?? I swear I need that MOMBIE tee because it would describe exactly  how I feel right  now-__-

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